Open call for Art and Technology residency

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Open call for Art and Technology residency, a three-month hybrid program at Hangar in cooperation with Pro Helvetia

Aim of the call
Hangar, centre for art research and production in Barcelona, in cooperation with the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, is announcing an Art and Technology residency, a new three-month hybrid program that is now open for applications.

The program is open to Swiss artists working in artistic disciplines supported by Pro Helvetia. Two artists will be selected via the open call. Applicants’ art practice should involve technological or digital aspects, either in the media used or in the underlying concept. To be eligible, artists must be firmly embedded in the Swiss cultural scene and be Swiss citizens or permanent residents of Switzerland.

The two selected artists will receive a grant for a three-month residency, split between one month of online activities and two months on-site in Barcelona (Hangar). The first month will serve to draw up a work plan to optimize the resources available for the project chosen, to arrange a set of studio visits and interviews with persons and institutions that may be of interest to the chosen artist, and to set up a support plan for the artist’s processes. During the two months on-site, the artists will then be carrying out their research project.

For these three-month residencies, each artist will receive a grant of CHF 3,000 net, daily allowances for the time in Barcelona, and production support amounting to CHF 1,500.

About Hangar
Hangar is a centre engaged in maintaining (generating, updating, reviewing and supporting) the necessary conditions to facilitate art research and production, specifically in the sense of critical exploration and artistic practices that address the urgent issues currently facing society and contribute to the associated debates. For Hangar, art is a way of producing knowledge. It therefore regards art research as a research category in its own right, with its own way of finding and producing knowledge. Hangar seeks to support content creators at every stage of their art research and production processes, by providing them with a wide array of tools and services (some of which are managed by Hangar and others by its resident collectives), helping them access the conceptual, contextual, semiotic, material and technical resources they need, and offering a setting for experimenting and for the free transfer of knowledge.
The following resources for shared use during the residency will be provided by Hangar, subject to availability:
Software/hardware and interaction lab
Interface and network lab
Construction lab
Audiovisual editing booth
– Workbench
– Accommodation in La Caseta, a house for Hangar program participants and residents. The two-storey house contains two double bedrooms, one bathroom, a living room and a kitchen on each floor. The residency is for up to four artists at a time.
– Spaces: Ricson room, multiuse room, workshop room
– Relevant networks: Hac Te, XarxaProd, Xarxa de Fàbriques de Creació de Barcelona [Barcelona Art Factories Network].

The residency lasts for three months, running from 1 May to 31 July 2024. Participants will spend the first month online and the last two months in Barcelona.

How to apply
Applications must be sent in a single PDF document (attached to an email and with a name that follows this format: Grant_ProHelvetia_FIRST NAME_SURNAME) to veronica(at)

The following information must be included in the document:
– A project proposal
– Project image or video
– Timeline
– Proposed methodology/development
– Detailed CV
– Contact Information
– A portfolio (PDF) of previous work (optional)
– Applications may be submitted in English

Application submission period: from 27 November 2023 to 7 January 2024, 12 noon (GMT+1).
The results of the selection process will be announced at the end of January 2024.

The selection board will be composed of the following members:
– Two members of Hangar: Anna Manubens, Hangar`s director, and Veronica Valentini, Head of international residencies and research networks.
– One member of the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia: Sandra Küpper, Head global encounters and initiatives.

For further information
Veronica Valetini
Tel.: +34 308 40 41