Onglets principaux

26.10 – 16.11.2024

A Home Is A Home

Sylvain Gelewski
Peripherie 8
Holeestrasse 8
4054 Basel
Vernissage: 26.10, 6-8 pm
Performance with María Sabato: 7 pm
Hours: Fr./Su. 3 – 5 pm
or by appointment at
079 248 81 22

The third part of The Court Jester project, the installation A Home Is Home, explores the notions of nomadic habitat, ancestral land, borders, dispossession, forced displacement, and reconstruction. It uses the location of the Peripherie 8 space, situated on the border between Basel-City and Basel-Land, as both a chromatic and geographical reference. The pieces bear stigmata reminiscent of gutted buildings and the landscape seen from above in a war zone. The installation focuses on the Palestinian enclave of Gaza, a zone, a land, and a home for millions of people. It serves as a philosophical and personal reflection on issues of responsibility, information, and involvement, examining what it means to have—or lack thereof—a home, or not, within one's own country.


Sylvain Gelewski is an artist and curator from Geneva. He is interested in lists, colours, political events, neurodivergence, and the value of work, through a play between norms and their most superfluous details. Recent solos: Sihl Delta, Zurich, CH (2024); Back Beat Bolaget, Sandviken, SE (2023); Dogo Residenz, Lichtensteig, CH (2021); E-Werk, Freiburg im Breisgau, DE (2020). Recent group shows: Kunsthalle, Trier, DE; Gowen Contemporary, Geneva, CH (2024); Ausstellungsraum Klingental, Basel, CH; Raum für Sichtbarkeit, Berlin, DE (2023); Flux Laboratory, Geneva, CH; der TANK, Basel, CH (2022); Cité internationale des arts, Paris, FR (2021); Centre d’Art Contemporain, Geneva, CH; Fabienne Levy Gallery, Lausanne, CH; Centre d’Art Contemporain, Yverdon-les-Bains, CH (2020).